Grace Lutheran Church in Ripon WI

Whether you are a long-time member of Grace Lutheran or a first-time visitor, and no matter from where you are coming, we recognize God equally loves and equally values all God’s people. God has given special talents and blessings to you and every person who enters through our doors.

Grace Lutheran Church in Ripon WI

Youth Ministries

developing our youth

Sunday School

Our Sunday School program offers a nurturing environment for children from infancy through 8th grade to grow spiritually and build a strong foundation in their faith. Through engaging activities, interactive lessons, and age-appropriate teachings, we aim to instill biblical values, foster a love for God, and encourage a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.

Our dedicated team of teachers provides personalized attention to each child, creating a supportive community where young minds can flourish and develop a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Join us as we journey together to explore the wonders of God's love and grace!

If your child is not yet registered, please fill out the registration form.

grace church youth ministries sunday school

Looking for volunteer opportunities? 
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gelc confirmation classes
perfect for 7th & 8th graders


Confirmation Classes

Our Confirmation classes offer a transformative journey for 7th and 8th graders as they deepen their understanding of their faith and prepare to take ownership of their beliefs. Through interactive discussions, meaningful activities, and mentorship, students explore the core tenets of Christianity, engage with scripture, and wrestle with theological questions.

Led by experienced leaders, our program empowers young individuals to articulate their beliefs, develop a personal relationship with God, and affirm their commitment to the Christian community. Join us as we embark on this pivotal step in the journey of faith!


Children's Sermons

Join us every Sunday for our engaging Children's Sermons during our church service! Tailored specifically for young hearts and minds, these sermons creatively explore the main points of the gospel in a way that's easy to understand and meaningful for children. Through stories, interactive discussions, and visual aids, we bring to life timeless truths such as love, kindness, forgiveness, and the importance of faith.

Led by our dedicated team, these sermons provide a nurturing environment where children can grow spiritually and begin to grasp the depth of God's love for them. Don't miss out on this special opportunity for your child to connect with the heart of the gospel!

gelc children sermons

Want to serve in our Youth Ministry? 
Send us a message →

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