Grace Lutheran Church in Ripon WI

Whether you are a long-time member of Grace Lutheran or a first-time visitor, and no matter from where you are coming, we recognize God equally loves and equally values all God’s people. God has given special talents and blessings to you and every person who enters through our doors.

Grace Lutheran Church in Ripon WI

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Grace Lutheran in Ripon WI

Ripon, WI

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Questions? No worries! Whether you are a long-time member of Grace Lutheran or a first-time visitor, and no matter from where you are coming, we recognize God equally loves and equally values all God’s people. Send us a message and we'd be happy to help.

grace evangelical lutheran church in ripon wi

Seeking a Lutheran Church in the Ripon, WI area?

This is a place where you can find a home and a community of believers who share a living, daring confidence in God's grace. We believe that our faith liberates us, and we welcome you as a whole person - with all your questions, complexities, and struggles. Join us as we work to do God's work in Ripon, Wisconsin, and the world in the name of Christ. We believe there is a place for everyone in our church, and we would be honored to have you be a part of our community.


Welcome to Grace Church in Ripon, WI

Both our vision and mission are anchored in 2 Peter 3:18, "To grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." As a faithful community of believers in Jesus Christ, we engage with our faith both as individuals and as members of Christ's body, the church. 

As unique individuals made in the image of God, we open our hearts, minds, and spirits to the leading of the Holy Spirit and discern how the Holy Scriptures are still relevant and meaningful for our lives and for our world yet today. 

We live out Grace's Mission Statement:

  • GATHER among friends
  • GROW in our faith
  • GO into the world with passion and purpose to love the Lord our God and our neighbors as ourselves
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